Roman centurion armor image sunday school lesson
Roman centurion armor image sunday school lesson

roman centurion armor image sunday school lesson

In most cases of failure is the fault of the bible worker, pastor or mission worker for being to naive to ignore the prospect's culture, religion, laws and norms. The key lies with the colporteur or Bible Study worker's attitude in counter to objections and his presentation in the first instance.ģ). In Colporteur work I have seen and noticed that prospects (gentiles/heathens/other denominations for Books and Kingdom of Heaven are both friendly and antagonistic, courteous and stubborn, homely and unwelcome, respectable and hostile, well mannered and rude. One of the most factor of our failure as a church is that we or Pastors do not equip members on the sensitivity of cross cultural ministry and mission for first impression of our tact and manners determines the success and failure of our offensive strategies.Ģ). We must LEARN To be more sensitive, tactful,courteous and humble in trying to befriend prospects of other cultures, religions, denominations and walks/works of life.ġ). This week's lesson has a profound statement on cross cultural mission and ministry as well. What lessons can we take from this about how we must learn to transcend whatever cultural differences we can (in good conscience) in order to reach out to others? Whatever else one can take from the accounts of this healing, we can see that vast cultural divides were not able to keep the Jews and this Roman apart. Jesus pointed out that the centurion was a prototype of the great day when people from all over the world would join the Jewish patriarchs at the Messianic banquet. The faith of the Gentile centurion was rewarded. He knew that according to law a Jew was not allowed to enter a Gentile’s house so, he requested that Jesus minister from a distance. The centurion understood and respected Jewish religious sensitivities. As the light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world ( John 1:9) had shone upon him, he had, though afar off, discerned the glory of the Son of God.-Ellen G.

roman centurion armor image sunday school lesson

The centurion did not wait to see whether the Jews themselves would receive the One who claimed to be their Messiah. 8:8), were an incredible testimony to his belief in Jesus. Meanwhile, the centurion was obviously a man of faith his words to Jesus, speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed, ( Matt. Who were these elders? The texts don’t say, but they seemed to have related to Jesus differently than did some of the other leaders. And, fascinatingly enough, they did just that, asking Jesus to come heal the man’s servant. In Luke’s account, he said that the centurion went to the elders of the Jews ( Luke 7:3 NIV) to ask them to bring Jesus. There is a power to a selflessness and self-abnegating ministry that can touch anyone of any rank or class.Image © Review & Herald Publishing from ĭespite this vast cultural and political divide, we can see the close relationship here between this Roman and the Jews.

roman centurion armor image sunday school lesson

How many twenty-first century centurions are there? May their faith inspire and strengthen ours.

roman centurion armor image sunday school lesson

This story should encourage those evangelizing among people in powerful positions. Anyone can enjoy the centurion’s experience. We need to ask ourselves if we have become complacent and are merely espousing correct doctrines instead of experiencing living faith? Have newer, lesser-equipped believers nevertheless expressed deeper faith than those raised within Christianity? Have our spiritual advantages become occasions for self-dependency? Have spiritual opportunities escaped unnoticed? Whenever we answer affirmatively, Christ is the answer. Honest self-examination is profitable here. How amazing that this man of power and influence (and a Roman, as well!) could show such deep faith when many who had so many more spiritual advantages spurned Jesus. He obeyed his commanding officer, and his subordinates obeyed him. Drawing on military experience, he understood authority. He explained the situation, expressing faith that Christ’s declaration alone could restore the servant. Finally, just before Jesus arrived, he ventured to approach Him. Deeply respecting Jewish worship and Jesus’ spirituality, he felt undeserving of Christ’s personal attention. When the centurion learned that Jesus was approaching, he dispatched several friends to dissuade Christ from coming. What can we learn from these accounts about witnessing to people in power?

Roman centurion armor image sunday school lesson